Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bible In A Year

I really felt led to read through the Bible this year. I have been saved all my life and have never done it. What a great time to start...my 30th year of life. Yes, it's true. Only a few weeks until my 30th Birthday. I am excited for this new era and all that God is doing as I grow and change in Him.
I chose the New Living Translation. It is easy to read and understand. My regular Bible is NLT and I love it. So I decided to get the same for my One Year Bible. I also like to have an Amplified available when I want to really look into a particular scripture.
My focus as I read this year, is to allow the Lord to point out the Fruits of His Spirit. I NEED these to be more evident in my everyday life. Never have I felt the need to show the Fruits of the Spirit as I have since becoming a mother. I can't wait to see the good work He will continue to do in my life.
I am on Day 12 today. I read a Old Testiment passage, a New Testiment passage, and part of a Psalm and Proverb each day. It takes less than 15  min.

Here is the redecorated preschool room...

First, my mom painted my logo (designed by my brother Chris and the company he works for out of NYC). It was very tedious work!

This is what you see right when you walk in the preschool entrance. (This is a interior door that leads to the basement.)

I painted the walls a fresh coat of light yellow. Then we made window boxes, put up shutters, and added awning curtains.

I couldn't get a good picture of the reading loft, but we added the same awning curtain, cut and attached a new carpet to fit on the floor correctly, and added trim to finish off the edge. It looks soooo much better. My mom is planning on painting a mural on that blank wall when we have a free weekend. Aren't I so blessed to have talended family members?

Well, Happy New Year!

I just logged on to make my first post of the new year. That is when I realized Dec 8th was my last post. LOL! So I did not do as well as planned posting my Advent activities for December. I will not worry about that now though.
I also did not post any Christmas pictures.
Okay, Okay enough of what I DIDN"T do and onto what I am doing.
  1. I have started another blog. I know I am crazy. It is for my Preschool/Daycare parents to view pics of their kids. I am posting "A Week in Pictures" once per week for them to see. It should not be too high maintenance and I think the parents will really enjoy seeing them. Here is a link if you are interested. http://www.greengatepreschool.blogspot.com/ and my free website that I created is http://www.greengatepreschool.webs.com/.
  2. An update on Freezer Cooking-- I LOVE IT!!! It has worked so well for me and my family. Stan loves that there are choices and they dont take long to put together. I am getting much better at consistently cooking meals at home. It really excites me how well it has worked and I will definetly be writing more posts on Freezer Cooking this year.
  3. I am reading through the Bible this year. I will write more about this in another post as well.
  4. I redecorated the Preschool Room over Christmas Break. It is really Cute. Of course my mom did most of it. I am her assistant, she is the talent. HEHEHE. I will also post some pictures of that too.
I hate to bunch all of this into one post with pictures and all, so thanks for being patient until I can get them posted..
So that's what is going on with me! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a wonderful New Year!