Monday, June 13, 2011

River Festival Fireworks!

Around the Yard...

We had to get a new riding mower because the 20-yr-old Craftsman finally quit on us.
We also got a new fence! We have been wanting to put in a fence like this since we moved in and it finally happened! Here it is... (The Gates aren't on in this picture. I will post that at another time)
New Side Door On The Garage
This Is the Old Door
New Door!
Much Better!

Garden Update In Pictures

And Growing...
And Growing...
And Growing!
And Growing!
And Salad!
                                              The vegetable garden is really growing well. Most of the vegetables are not ready for harvesting. But the lettuce was beautiful and tasty. I have also been using fresh herbs from the garden. I can't really keep up with the growth!