Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Snow

We had an early Spring snowstorm Friday and Saturday. The kids had fun playing while I shoveled the walk. Stan was working this weekend so he didn't get to join in on the fun, but he did have a good view from his vehicle on the base. The rest of the day was spent relaxing. Amelia took a picture of me relaxing with a homeschool catalog on the couch). It warmed up Sunday and most of the snow melted off.


  1. Amelia... you took such a good picture of your mommy. Good job! What fun you must have had in the snow/ice. I will have to buy you a snow suit for the next BIG snow. I love the picture of Murphy and Amelia. It looks like they are comparing hand/paw prints. How cute. Love you..... Grandma Nita

  2. So crazy! My parents were supposed to fly out here but got delayed a day due to the storm you all had. Is that Mada with snow in a plastic dish?! Love the picture of Murphy in the snow with the girls. Did I tell you that Viv named her stuffed dog Murphy?

  3. Yes, Mada has some snow in a dish. Originally, I bundled Amelia up and sent her out, hoping Mada wouldn't really notice and would be content with some snow to play with inside. Of course that didn't last. So we both got bundled up and joined Amelia. That is so cute how Viv named her dog Murphy! She is so cute. I just love the way she talks. I wish I could hear her more often.
