After all my folders are labeled by week, I sit down with all of my materials and my lesson plans and sort everything into the appropriate folders. All workbooks (CLE for Math, Reading, and Lang. Arts), worksheets, activity pages, books, etc...go in each week's folder so they are ready to go. (No thinking on my part after the initial planning/organizing.)
Here is a close-up of my lesson plan sheets. I keep them all in a 1/2 inch binder at the front of my file crate.At the end of the week, I move the week's lesson plan to the back of the binder so the top plan is always for the current week.
Then I place the current week's folder in the binder along with my Well Planned Day Planner.
As the week progresses, I keep ongoing papers and completed work in the weekly folder. I may come up with a new system for this, but for now this works.
In the Well Planned Day planner I write what we actually accomplish each day. This gives me a sense of accomplishment and also gives me a place to write things down that were not in the lesson plan such as a cool internet site or an additional book.
I store my crate, lesson plans, current library books, teacher manuals etc... in the dining room.
Here is a picture of the dining room where we do our homeschooling. The space you see beyond the dining room is my preschool/home childcare room off of the Kitchen. We also use that space throughout the day. I need to take some new pictures of that room as well because I recently rearranged some things.
The corner cabinet on the left side is where I store a lot of supplies we need throughout the week.
I hope you enjoyed the tour of my planning and work space and materials.

Sounds like you are organized and ready to go! Have a great year!