Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well, Happy New Year!

I just logged on to make my first post of the new year. That is when I realized Dec 8th was my last post. LOL! So I did not do as well as planned posting my Advent activities for December. I will not worry about that now though.
I also did not post any Christmas pictures.
Okay, Okay enough of what I DIDN"T do and onto what I am doing.
  1. I have started another blog. I know I am crazy. It is for my Preschool/Daycare parents to view pics of their kids. I am posting "A Week in Pictures" once per week for them to see. It should not be too high maintenance and I think the parents will really enjoy seeing them. Here is a link if you are interested. http://www.greengatepreschool.blogspot.com/ and my free website that I created is http://www.greengatepreschool.webs.com/.
  2. An update on Freezer Cooking-- I LOVE IT!!! It has worked so well for me and my family. Stan loves that there are choices and they dont take long to put together. I am getting much better at consistently cooking meals at home. It really excites me how well it has worked and I will definetly be writing more posts on Freezer Cooking this year.
  3. I am reading through the Bible this year. I will write more about this in another post as well.
  4. I redecorated the Preschool Room over Christmas Break. It is really Cute. Of course my mom did most of it. I am her assistant, she is the talent. HEHEHE. I will also post some pictures of that too.
I hate to bunch all of this into one post with pictures and all, so thanks for being patient until I can get them posted..
So that's what is going on with me! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

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