Thursday, April 16, 2009

Putting Clothes Away

Continuing with my posts on teaching my children life skills, I decided to discuss the work Amelia (almost 4) is doing. She has started putting her own clothes away...mostly pajamas, underwear, and socks. After I have folded the clothes on the dining room table, I call her to put her things away. Today she gathered them on her ride-on toy and rode off to her room, happily placing each item in the correct spot. Pajamas and bottoms go in the dresser drawers, tops and dresses are hung on a low bar, and socks and underwear go in separate baskets. Hanging the kids clothes on hangers in actually new to us. I used to fold all their clothes and put them in drawers. However, as the kids have gotten bigger, so have their clothes and they no longer fit in the small dresser. Instead of buying a larger one (which we really don't have room for) I decided to buy some small hangers for tops. We have been using this system for a couple of weeks and it seems to be working well. Amelia complains once in awhile about having to stop playing to put her clothes away, but she is catching on to the fact that this is just a new responsibility in her life and is for the most part openly accepting the idea.

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